
looking for the bright side

yes, i've been crushed
yes, i've been losing myself
yes, i've been angry and sad at the same time

but i'm trying to get up again,
at least, trying to find the bright-side
*if there's nothing bright about it, i can just make up some of it.

1. i don't have to get home soooo late just to catch up

2. i can save up some money to buy something, instead of spend it for dates

3. i don't have to be cranky if i don't get enough attention
well matter of fact, i don't get any attention, is another problem

4. i don't have to be jealous,
and another matter of fact, i AM jealous, but well... never mind.

5. i can find someone else.
that's good right?

anyhow, i'm still trying to look at the bright-side
you hv your brighty brighty times already?

xoxo, M

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