
cotton candies

I love to look up to the sky,
seeing the clouds, and the color of the sky, and also the birds passing by.

this view oftenly accompany me on the way to the office
the sun is striking but always cheered me up.

and... on my way to somewhere else
shady and lovely

but I can get the best views from my balcony!
I love how the sun is setting, the color combination,
and the heart shaped clouds.
blue-pink-purple-gold-and grey can always made me smile

I could imagine the different atmosphere everytime I cross this road
when the sky goes sephia

and... greyish blue.

next time I'll look put for rainbows.

xoxo, M


  1. Wow your balcony has a really great view!

  2. warna-warni langit hari ini

  3. sambil BBQ'an...balkonnya jd orang ketiga....hahhaa miss those moments...


You better betray me.